Shipping policy
We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Note that there are restrictions on some products. Some products cannot be shipped to an international destinations.
We will try and ship your order within one business day. Once item/s are shipped you will get an email with your tracking or you can log-in and go order details
We will estimate shipping based on your shipping options you choose.
We use USPS as our main mail carrier, for estimated time arrival within USA
* Flat Rate First Class Mail $6.99 ETA about 6-10 days
* FREE Standard Shipping within USA for purchases $39 ++
International Buyers - Custom Clearance
International buyers may be subjected to import tax, custom duties and other fees which are levied once the shipment arrive in your country. These custom clearance charges and duties must be paid by the recipient. We have no control over these charges. Custom policies varies from country to country. When custom clearance is required it could cause shipping delay beyond our estimates.
International Buyers - Shipping ETA
Most of the time we use USPS shipping services. Below are the shipping estimate time arrival which will vary widely from country to country
~ Standard shipping via First Class Airmail : 18 - 24 business days
~ Priority Shipping : 10 - 14 business days
~ Express Shipping : 6 - 10 business days